Exhibition and Documentary

Localidad extranjera

in collaboration with Lucas Muñoz Muñoz
Supported by Oficina Cultural Embajada de España
Instituto Cervantes Milan
Stimulerings fonds creative industrie

Milan design week 2016

Spanish/Dutch design is an exhibition and short documentary project that reflects on the condition of being a creative looking for a context out of his/her original locality. S/D design presents five designers that work from The Netherlands for an international market. Each of them with a different focus over the matter but with common nuances: interdisciplinary approach, material and conceptual experimentation and a gathering for a personal voice out of standards.

Both exhibition and short documentary are threaded through personal understandings of the practice while they also present Dutch Design as a brand, as a conceptual and creative variety and the fertile soil for their discipline development. The scene there have demonstrated, along the years, to be a magnetic centre for many international creatives and creators. Within those, we can find this group of spanish entrepreneurs, who have chosen to locate in the Netherlands their base camp. Are they then Dutch Designers? Without doubt, their common cultural roots give them some kind of personal character, but the influence from their working context as well as the creative development possibilities in that land supposes a potential which, perhaps, were not to be possible in the Spanish context.